Can participating businesses receive app usage data?
Yes, reports will be available from RNRA
Yes, reports will be available from RNRA
14 categories.
Yes, 50 characters in field #1 and 150 characters in field #2.
Name, logo, address, image, description, phone, website, map, Yelp, & "view deal" button. Reservation links are optional.
Yes, at
It's free from the App Store℠ or Google Play™.
Yes, reasonable restriction such as “not valid on holidays” are allowed, but they must be displayed on the "deal" screen.
Deals may be designed to best suit each business (BOGO, bundling, upgrades, straight % or $ discounts, etc.)
Users are encouraged to base tips on the undiscounted price
Yes, the most recent editions of each.
All users, only through the app.
Yes, as often as every second business day
Yes, 150 characters plus spaces.
Send updates to from an authorized email address. New deals will appear in the app by no later than close of 2nd business day.
Yes, businesses choose one or more when they sign up
Generally yes, but details are up to each business
Absolutely! They can email us at
Confirm deal on customer's device and apply the discount.
Yes, Facebook and Twitter
Yes, authorized by user after download
Definitely, all input is appreciated!
Via the app, website, & RNRA annual meeting
No, the more the merrier!